From July 3rd to 4th, 2024, bird enthusiast Takuya Tsumura embarked on an exhilarating birding adventure in Sonkhaliya, guided by Mahesh Rajpoot, an expert naturalist from Asian Adventures. The primary goal? Seeing and photographing the elusive and critically endangered Lesser Florican, along with the other beautiful grassland birds that Sonkhaliya has to offer.

Lesser florican

The first day started early, with the crisp morning air filled with birdsong. Sonkhaliya's diverse habitats, ranging from open grasslands to dense thickets, provide the perfect backdrop for spotting various species. Mahesh's keen eyes and deep knowledge of the local avifauna were invaluable, ensuring that no feathered friend went unnoticed. 

Monsoon Birding In Lesser florican

The highlight of the trip was undoubtedly the sighting of the Lesser Florican. Known for its striking courtship display, seeing this endangered bird is a true spectacle and something almost every birder has on their wishlist. Takuya's patience and persistence paid off, resulting in stunning photographs of the Lesser Florican in mid-leap, showcasing its unique mating dance. The excitement of capturing such rare moments was palpable. 

Monsoon Birding In Sonkhaliya

But the adventure didn't stop there. The duo also spotted an array of other fascinating birds, including the Red-necked Falcon, Painted Francolin, Jungle Bush Quail, and Indian eagle owl. Each sighting added a layer of richness to the experience, making the trip a comprehensive exploration of Sonkhaliya's avian diversity.

Despite the challenges posed by the terrain and the need for stealthy movements to avoid startling the birds, Takuya and Mahesh enjoyed every moment. The camaraderie, shared knowledge, and mutual passion for birding made this trip a memorable one.

Monsoon Birding In Sonkhaliya Ajmer

This Sonkhaliya birding trip not only provided breathtaking photography opportunities but also deepened my appreciation for these incredible creatures and their habitats. For anyone looking to experience the thrill of bird photography, especially the Lesser Florican, this adventure is highly recommended.

Date: July 3rd to 4th, 2024
Destinations: Sonkhaliya
Trip Report By: Mahesh Rajpoot
Guest Name: Takuya Tsumura ,President and CEO of Honda Cars India Ltd