Ultimate Wildlife and Birding Tour Corbett, Pangot, Sattal, Bharatpur, and Ranthambhore with Asian Adventures


Client name: Tim Werdler
date: 11-24 Feb-2023
Destinations: Delhi-Corbett-Pangot-Sattal-Bharatpur-Ranthambhore-Delhi
Guide: Mahesh Rajpoot

Hey there, fellow birding enthusiasts! Tim Werdler here, and I'm thrilled to share the highlights of my recent birding trip across India's incredible destinations. From February 11th to 24th, I embarked on a memorable adventure covering Delhi, Corbett National Park, Pangot, Sattal, Bharatpur, and Ranthambore.

With the expertise of our fantastic guide, Mahesh, we began our journey in Delhi and headed straight for the iconic Corbett National Park. The exhilarating jeep safari allowed us to spot majestic mammals such as Tigers, Leopards, and Mugger crocodiles. But it was the avian wonders that truly stole the show!

Tiger Safari at Corbett

As we ventured into Pangot, our binoculars were treated to the sight of Scarlet finches, Cheer pheasants, and the adorable Little Bunting. The melodies of the White-collared blackbird and Himalayan beautiful finch filled the crisp mountain air, creating an enchanting atmosphere. We even had the privilege of encountering the elusive Brown bullfinch and Hill partridge.

Hill partridge

Next, our birding tour took us to Sattal, where we marveled at the mesmerizing dance of Chestnut-headed tesia and the graceful flight of Chestnut thrush. The sky seemed alive with the presence of Bonelli's eagles, White-crested laughingthrush, and the vibrant Himalayan rubythroat. The Olive-backed pipit and Common kingfisher provided a delightful spectacle near the serene lakeshores, while the Black-throated sunbird elegantly glided overhead.

Black-throated sunbird

At Bharatpur National Park, we witnessed a symphony of avian diversity. From the striking plumage of the Imperial eagle and Great crested grebe to the rhythmic calls of Sarus cranes and Greater spotted eagles, it was a birdwatcher's paradise. The sight of the majestic Dusky eagle owl and the elusive Black bittern left us in awe.

Our final stop was Ranthambore National Park, where we marveled at the graceful flight of the Painted spurfowl and the elegant movements of the Red-headed vulture. The mesmerizing presence of the elusive Bengal Tiger added an extra thrill to our birding adventure.

Tiger Safari at Ranthambhore

This trip truly exceeded my expectations, and I highly recommend it to all birding enthusiasts. If you're longing for a Corbett National Park safari, a Pangot bird-watching tour, or a thrilling Ranthambore National Park safari, don't miss out on this incredible journey. Book your tour now and immerse yourself in the beauty of India's avian wonders. Happy birding!